To help pay for the approximately $232,000 cost of the new meters, the City has increased the hourly rate from $.75 to $1. While Police Chief Angel Bernal has said that his department intends to do some beta-testing of different time limits for certain areas in the coming months, the two-hour limit at the vast majority of meters, aside from the one-hour spaces in the City Hall lot adjacent to Mill Valley Market, will remain in place for now. Regardless of the form of payment, drivers are still required to abide by the time limit of a designated parking space.
As has been the case since 2010, 94941 residents and those of nearby towns can buy a Resident Shopper Vehicle Permit (RSVP) sticker, which allows residents of Mill Valley and nearby towns to park for free at a metered space in an effort to support local businesses. The current batch of stickers expire on July 31, and the City announced earlier this week that the 2017-18 stickers are on sale now. The stickers are $40 for the first two vehicles, $60 each for a third or fourth permit for 94941 residents. For residents of zip codes 94965, 94920 and 94925, all permits are $60. The city accepts check or cash at the Public Safety Building (1 Hamilton Drive) during business hours, and permits can be purchased online here.