
The Mill Valley City Council hosts its annual Community Meeting on May 30 at the Community Center (180 Camino Alto), providing residents a chance to get an update on current City initiatives and events and meet with Councilmembers and staff from each department and share questions, comments and concerns. 

“This event offers the members of our community a unique chance to speak to us directly in an open forum, with all of our departments represented in one room,” City Manager Jim McCann said. “For our staff and elected and appointed officials, it is a fantastic opportunity to hear from the community on a broad range of issues.” 

The May 30th Community Meeting will be structured similarly to those of recent years, with approximately 45 minutes dedicated to allowing residents to visit the tables hosted by each City department and ask questions, receive information and share suggestions and concerns. After that, the rest of the event is dedicated to open Q&A.

5:30-7pm: Informal discussions with council members, department heads and staff 
7-8pm: Presentations and Q&A

Though City leaders say they are open to hearing about any and all topics, the major issues of the day will surely be discussed, including the ongoing Miller Avenue Streetscape Project, the Steps, Lanes and Paths network, flooding and sea level rise, traffic congestion and the potential improvement efforts, construction activity, bicycle/pedestrian safety, heightened fire prevention measures, and much more. 

More than 150 Mill Valley residents and business owners have turned out in past years for a snapshot of dozens of the City services, programs, priorities and accomplishments, the challenges that lie ahead and to offer observations and suggestions. A video recording will be available after the meeting.

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