
“Bluff,” a dark comedy by playwright Jeffery Sweet about love and family on a collision course, co-directed by Body Kinetics’ co-owner Joey Hoeber, runs Nov. 1-16 at the Belrose Theatre. Photo by Richard Stewart.

PictureBody Kinetics co-owners John, Michael and Joey Hoeber. Courtesy image.

Joey Hoeber is well known around town as one of the co-owners of the trio of Body Kinetics health clubs, along with his brothers Michael and John, and as the manager of the Mill Valley location. What is less known about Hoeber is that he’s been involved in local theater for 45 years as an actor, director and producer.

Hoeber takes those talents to the director’s chair next month as BLUFF: A Dark Comedy, a play he produced and co-directed with Dianne Harrison, opens Nov. 1 at The Belrose theater in San Rafael. Running through Nov. 16, the production tells playwright Jeffery Sweet’s story about love and family on a collision course. Incorporating theatrical techniques pioneered by Chicago’s Second City comedy troupe, the play alternates between farce and drama breaking down the fourth wall as the drama builds, including the audience as a confidant/witness. 

BLUFF tells the story of Emily and Neal who are doing fine as a new couple in the West Village of New York until her brash and vulgar stepfather comes to town for a convention,” Hoeber says. “Gene (stepfather) brings with him all the contradictions Emily has been trying to bury.”

The play stars Bay Area actors Isabelle Grimm as Emily, Will Livingston as Neal and Cameron Stuckey as Gene. The cast also includes Tamara Chandler as Emily’s mother Georgia, Anya Cherniss as Doubling Actress and a special appearance by an unnamed local actor playing Doubling Actor.

The 411: BLUFF: A Dark Comedy, a play produced and co-directed by Body Kinetics health clubs co-owner Joey Hoeber, runs Nov. 1-16 at The Belrose theater in San Rafael. MORE INFO & TIX

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