
One of the few benefits of the COVID-19 crisis is that parking, if needed, has been widely available. And let’s be honest: parking enforcement officers have taken it easy on us.

As we re-emerge from the latest stay-at-home order – hopefully the last – outdoor dining is back, increased activity around town abounds and we want to remind you of the various ways to avoid getting a parking ticket:

–Don’t park at a metered space for more than the allowed time on the meter.

–If you don’t want to deal with paying at the meter, buy an RSVP parking sticker – the cost of a sticker for the whole year is on par with two parking tickets.

–If you’re an employee of a local business, you can buy an Employee Parking Permit from the Mill Valley Chamber. Details here.

The Mill Valley Chamber has placed banners around downtown reminding you of the array of parking options!

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