If you live in Mill Valley and have a need to bring joy and humor into your life, or that of others, you already know about Two Neat, Bob Bijou’s Two Neat shop at 111 Throckmorton Ave.
It’s been an institution in Mill Valley for more than 35 years – with a little something for everyone, from inarguably the best collection of greeting cards in Marin to bacon-scented air fresheners and the new 2022 Marin County Calendar.
Bijou is looking for some artists to turn their art into cards. Looking for some guidance on content and style?
“We’re looking for humor, photography, humor, paintings, humor, cartoons, humor, wordplay, and humor,” Bijou says. Got it?
For further information, send an email to cardification@twoneat.com with a few sample attachments, website address, or Instagram.
“You provide the artwork and keep the copyright,” Bijou says. “Two Neat does all the production and marketing. You get paid a royalty for each card that sells; if your cards are successful, you could end up making tens of dollars a month.”