Murphy Productions, the acclaimed firm from Daniel Patrick and Erma Murphy, has been hosting Sunday Salons – potluck-style meals that have attendees performing music, poetry, dance, storytelling and much more – for many years.
The COVID-19 crisis has certainly put a damper on in-person events over the past 17 months, but the duo continues to march on, especially with Halloween on the horizon.
On Sunday, October 31, they’re hosting “Surreal and Imaginative Sunday Salon,” a progressive Sunday Salon, starting on the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts deck with a beverage at 5pm for an explanation of the excitement that’s ahead and attendees divided into Covid-safe, small-group pods that travel through six different stations to visit with Music, Dance, Storytelling and more.
“Some of the stops are outdoors so dress accordingly,” Murphy said. “Please no food – just bring beverages to share. There will be some treats along the way. Costumes encouraged but not required. Oh yes, do bring a flashlight!”
Patrick and Murphy recommend gathering at 4:30pm on the O’Hanlon deck at 616 Throckmorton Avenue before heading our for the progressive salon. Cost is $15.