Get out there and Shop MV!
Skip the traffic and the schlep. Before hitting the big box stores, here’s a reminder: you don’t need to go beyond the 94941 for amazing gift options. #ShopMV!
We all want to Shop Local. But do we actually walk the walk? The Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center, City of Mill Valley and businesses across the 94941 are giving you every reason to do just that and support your neighborhood businesses. With free parking courtesy of the City and Chamber from Nov. 23 to Dec. 31, it’s your turn to go out and remind yourself of the slew of amazing restaurants, clothing, jewelry and design shops that rival much larger cities, incredible grocery stores and a wealth of world class businesses that could be anywhere but decided to make Mill Valley their home.
Directories of great shopping, service and restaurant options in Mill Valley.
Line of Mill Valley merchandise bearing the Michael Schwab-design logo.