The free event offers a moment of calm in the midst of holiday busyness. One can rest and relax, take a moment to pray or meditate or just have a moment of quiet to reflect on the meaning of peace. The Pop-Up also offers a way to participate in peace with ourselves and the world, according to
The event features:
- Christmas Carol singing 6-6:30pm
- Wish for peace – write your wish for 2015 and hang it on the garland
- Reflect on one thing you can do to help bring that peace
- Light a candle in honor of a loved one or to set an intention for peace this holiday season and in the new year
Peace is needed in our communities and in the world. Even for those of us who experience relatively peaceful lives, we often go through this season in a whirlwind of shopping and holiday preparations, not always mindful of the meaning behind the holidays we celebrate.
Christmas is the perfect time to invite our communities, regardless of our faith traditions (or none) to think about peace. After all, our scripture reads, “Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace, good will to all!” (Luke 2:14) And here at Mt. Tam Church, we believe that all means all!
This event is free and open to the public. Please carpool or walk to the event as there is limited downtown parking.
Patricia Wiig
Director of Children and Family Ministries
Mt. Tam UMC