Owners Matt and Jan Mathews are seizing that momentum at the end of of 2018 by launching ‘Enchanted Evenings,’ a series of holiday shopping happy hour events designed as “a great way for folks to shop for the holidays and have fun at the same time!” Jan Mathews says.
The events, which promise to be “sparkling with lights and levity,” are set for Thursday evenings, 5pm-7pm, starting Nov. 29 and running through Dec. 20, at the Lumber Yard, 129 Miller Avenue.
Flour Craft Bakery and the soon-to-open Watershed Restaurant will provide “delectable baked goods” and appetizers, respectively, while MVLY’s host of retails tenants, including Ambatalia, Bloomingayles, The Edit, FarmHouseUrban, Makers Market, Spirited Marin and the newest tenant, Aviator Nation, will be open for business. Artists Victoria Mimiaga, Francis Whitnall and Guy Chambers will also have their MVLY studios open during these events.
The 411: The Mill Valley Lumber Yard‘s ‘Enchanted Evenings,’ a series of holiday shopping happy hour events, are set for Thursday evenings, 5pm-7pm, starting Nov. 29 and running through Dec. 20, at the Lumber Yard, 129 Miller Avenue. MORE INFO.