
Scenes from the Mill Valley Arts Commission’s Concerts on the Plaza. Photos by Quincy Stamper Photography.

Mill Valley musicians: it’s already time to make your summer plans.

​The Mill Valley Arts Commission is seeking musicians to perform at its 2016 Concerts on the Plaza series – four outdoor concerts on the Downtown Plaza in August – and has posted the application to do so. Deadline for entries is February 23. Performance dates are Sundays 8/7, 8/17, 8/21 & 8/24.

Concerts are held on the Mill Valley Downtown Plaza, which is a public open air Plaza in the City center surrounded by local retail shops and restaurants. Sound system, audio technician and event publicity will be provided by the Arts Commission. Each selected artist/group will receive $500 payment on the day of the concert

All interested musical artists are encouraged to apply. Performers need to be able to play a 45-60 minute set. Performers at the 2015 Concerts in the Plaza series are not eligible to do so again in 2016.

APPLY VIA MAIL OR DROP OFF by Feb. 23, 5pm: Musicians can click here to download aMusican Submission Form to mail or drop off this form and a CD with 3 complete musical selections to Mill Valley Arts Commission c/o Mill Valley Community Center, 180 Camino Alto, MV. Attn:Call for Musicians. Also include a check for $20 submission fee, payable toCity of Mill Valley or Am Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa information. A receipt will be emailed to you for proof of payment once CD and payment is received.

APPLY VIA ONLINE FORM by Feb 23, 5pmMusicians can click here to complete an online Musical Artist Submission Form and then mail  or drop off a CD with 3 complete musical selections clearly labeled with Artist or Group name and contact information to Mill Valley Arts Commission, c/o Mill Valley Community Center 180 Camino Alto, MV. Attn: Call for Musicians. Also include a check for $20 submission fee, payable to City of Mill Valley or Am Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa information. A receipt will be emailed to you for proof of payment once CD and payment is received.

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