One year after exploring the world of the lovable green ogre Shrek, the Throckmorton Theatre team is diving under the sea, serving up a nine-show production of The Little Mermaid, the Musical starting on August 5.

Directed by Throckmorton Youth Program Director Steven Hess, who played Shrek himself in 2015’s production, the show tracks Ariel and her friends as she battles the evil sea witch, Ursula, in order to be with her one true love.  With
music by eight‐time Academy Award winner Alan Mencken, this fishy fable will capture your heart with its irresistible songs including “Under the Sea,” “Kiss the Girl,” and “Part of Your World.”

The 411: The Little Mermaid, the Musical‘s nine-show run kicks off Friday, August 5 at the Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Avenue, and runs through August 21. More info and tickets.

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