Now the organization has taken its next step toward beautifying the 800-foot stretch of the frontage road around Hamilton Drive, as the latest efforts to clear weeds from the area has been followed up with the installation of 300 native plants through a collaboration among a host of organizations and businesses.
“This long-neglected strip of frontage road is the entrance street to many of our homes and businesses,” notes Whitebook.
“It’s been rewarding to see our efforts pay off,” Dehnert adds.
The beautification project is the result of the combined efforts of the nonprofit Marin Clean Highways; Johnson’s Tree and Garden; RHAA Landscape Architecture; a generous financial donor; and the City of Mill Valley. Marin Clean Highways worked with RHAA Landscape Architecture and gained project approval from the City of Mill Valley. Andrew Johnson of Johnson’s Tree and Garden donated his time and materials.
Marin Clean Highways continues to raise funds to clear the entire Mill Valley stretch of Highway 101 frontage road of debris. The organization contracts with the San Rafael Downtown Streets Team to pick up debris weekly, and the project was so successful that the City of Mill Valley voted to contract directly with the Downtown Streets Team.
The 411: MORE INFO on Marin Clean Highways.