With plenty of gratitude for the rain and with excited expectation for some dry moments to have outdoor events, Terra Marin School is hosting its 5th annual Lunar New Year Festival, open to families and kids of all ages, on Saturday, January 21st in Mill Valley from 10 AM to 12 PM (doors open at 9:30am). While the weather forecast for that day is partly sunny, the venue is roofed and well-ventilated, so guests will remain dry and safe no matter the weather.
Like past years, there will be Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese foods and traditional dances feverishly rehearsed by students. To minimize risks associated with the ongoing pandemic, masks are encouraged (but not required). We are proud of our safety track record, having hosted over 800+ attendees last year with no known outbreaks at our 2022 Lunar New Year Festival.
Terra Marin’s Lunar New Year Festival is unique compared to other Bay Area lunar new year events because:
- The event combines and celebrates the traditions of three countries: China (Chun-Jie), Korea (Seollal), and Vietnam (Tet) into one spectacular extravaganza.
- The festival was created for families & children of all ages to create awareness and appreciation for traditions and people of each culture from a young age.
- The festival is located in Marin, where few options exist for those who wish to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
Celebrate the upcoming Year of the Rabbit (China and Korea) and Year of the Cat (Vietnam) with Terra Marin.
About Terra Marin School
When Wendy Xa set out to establish Terra Marin School in 2018, her vision was more than a world-class educational opportunity for Bay Area families. Xa, who had previously founded San Francisco’s Presidio Knolls School (an award-winning Mandarin immersion school), wanted to bring the Marin County community a diverse and trilingual Mandarin and Spanish educational experience more commonly found in San Francisco. The Terra Marin School warmly welcomes students ranging from preschool age to eighth graders.
Understanding and celebrating diverse cultures is a value Xa was determined to weave throughout Terra Marin’s DNA.
“We are so proud of the diverse community the school attracts and fosters. From an early age, we want to set up our students with a global and multicultural world lens. Hosting Lunar New Year festivities each year is not only a fun learning experience for our children, it’s also a celebratory event for our local neighbors. All of our children, from preschool up, perform traditional elements of how the holiday is celebrated across Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese communities,” says Wendy Xa, Terra Marin Founder and Head of School.
The intention of this annual event is primarily to provide a space for community members to celebrate the Lunar New Year with the school. Any funds the school raises are icing on the cake.
“Wendy and the team truly want to build a diverse community that celebrates all cultures and walks of life. Getting students involved in this particular event piques curiosity about other cultures and customs, and this is a major draw for my family to bring my kids to Terra Marin every day,” says Eu-jeania Hwang, Terra Marin parent.
For more information and tickets, visit https://bit.ly/TerraMarinLNY1.
For more information about Terra Marin Schools, please visit https://www.terramarin.org.