Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church, home to one fo the most poignant, heartwarming marquees in town, heads into the fall with three events in September.
They kicks things off on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 9:30am with a “Back to Church Bagel Breakfast Kickoff,” launching the church’s Sunday School Program prior to worship service on Sunday. “This is a great opportunity to meet our pastor, children’s and youth ministry director, Sunday school teachers and new friends,” says Tricia Wiig, the church’s director of children, youth and family ministries. “Our worship service begins at 10:30am and after the children’s moment with the pastor, children ages 4 years through 5th grade are invited to our Godly Play Sunday School, a creative approach to Sunday School that helps children make meaning of their lives through story, wonder, art and play. Youth in grades 6-12 will remain in worship and are welcome to use our “Worship Notes” worksheet to engage with the service. Nursery care is available for children under 4 years old. All children, of any age, are always welcome to stay with their families during the service.”
Three days later, the church kicks off itsYouth Afterschool Program Launch on Wednesday, September 14th, 2-4pm. “We’re opening our youth room to youth in the community, grades 6 and up, after school on Wednesdays from 2-4pm,” Wiig says. “Youth are welcome to visit with friends, have a snack, work on homework or play games. The room is staffed by Mt. Tam Church staff and volunteers, all of whom are background checked and trained in safe sanctuary practices. Afterschool will meet in Room 2 every Wednesday when school is in session through the end of May. There is no cost for the program, but registration is required.”
Finally, the church hosts a Youth Bowling Night for students in 6th to 12th grade on Friday, Sept. 16th, 7-9pm, to celebrate the start of another year at Presidio Bowl. Mt. Tam’s youth program focuses on faith, fun and service and provides opportunities for monthly gatherings, faith learning opportunities, service in the community and fun and games.