But to hear author and Mosaic Multicultural Foundation founder Michael Meade tell it, “the situation only seems ‘hopeless’ when viewed from the narrow logic of a collapsing world view. Old ways of seeing the world are blocking more vital paths of imagination, vision and healing.”
On Thursday, Oct. 24 (7-9pm), Meade brings “an evening of myths of renewal, tales of transformation, and a resounding call to find unity and wholeness in this time of conflict and confusion” to Mt. Tam United Methodist Church. Meade’s nonprofit organization “has initiated innovative projects and unifying events that support and educate at-risk youth, refugees, combat veterans, and communities in need. Mosaic creates community through events involving artists, activists, community builders, healers, and spiritual teachers working in inspired ways to develop cross-cultural alliances, mentoring relationships, and forms of community healing.”
“Climate change and eco-degradation can become the context in which the core values of humanity become redeemed rather than lost” Meade says.
The 411: Author and Mosaic Multicultural Foundation founder Michael Meade brings “an evening of myths of renewal, tales of transformation, and a resounding call to find unity and wholeness in this time of conflict and confusion” to Mt. Tam United Methodist Church on October 24, 7-9pm. 410 Sycamore Ave. Tix $15 General / $10 Student. Doors open at 6:30 pm. MORE INFO.